Crow Linocut Printmaking Process + Tips and Tricks

Enjoy the full process of creating this crow linocut with some simple tips and tricks along the way!

For this project you will need:

To begin, I used the Picture Stencil Maker to create a clean version of my scanned sketch. Once uploaded I used the Color mode and sliders to adjust the tracing, creating a perfect stencil for this project. I also used the reflect tool as I knew the design would be flipped when stamped (but depending on your design this step may not be needed).

The design was then printed onto wax paper and then transferred onto the linoleum using the wax paper transfer method.

With a pattern ready to carve, it’s easiest to block out the empty space, removing the background before adding any details. In this print, I removed the space around the bird and branches in small sections. Once the silhouette is created, you can move onto carving the larger shapes.

I then added delineation to the bird’s body, carving the larger lines in the bird’s torso. When carving, work slowly, turn the linoleum more often than the carving tools to create smoother lines.

Next, move into smaller details such as the feathers. To create some texture, rub the tool lightly back and forth across the surface of the linoleum, then rub away the shavings. This is a fantastic technique for fur or small feathers.

At this point in the carving process, it’s great to add some ink to the block, giving you a better view of the background elements that need to be carved away, or any areas that need more detailing/texture, If you’re uncertain, feel free to do a test print on some scrap paper.

Blot away any excess ink and then carve away the last details. With the linoleum fully carved, you can create the final print. Make sure the entire block is evenly coated in ink this time, go over it several times with the ink pad (or brayer and printing ink if you’re using this instead). Press the print down firmly, peeling it up to reveal the final print.